Why Rapid Release is a Risky Book Launch Strategy
Is rapid release a shortcut to success? Or is it a trap that could destroy your author career? Learn when and why it does and doesn’t work.
Is rapid release a shortcut to success? Or is it a trap that could destroy your author career? Learn when and why it does and doesn’t work.
Not all bad reviews are bad for sales. Learn how to get fewer bad reviews and how to respond to the ones you have.
Don’t make these four painful book launch mistakes.
Launch your book with the help of professional coaching and a customized plan.
Learn how to create a plan and timeline to build your platform and successfully launch your book.
The better you know what motivates readers, the better you can motivate them to read your book. This is the heart of marketing. Please use social triggers like urgency for good.
One critical element of a successful book launch is your written book launch plan. Find out what your plan should include and when to schedule your tasks.
In this special bonus episode of Novel Marketing, we answer YOUR book launch and book marketing questions. You can watch a video version of the Q&A below.
Learn how to use reliable scientific data to help you choose the best title, cover, or blurb for your book.
In this episode we are going to talk about the best things you can do with your Advanced Reader Copies of your book …
In this episode, we talk about a new course we’ve released that will help you launch your book in a way that will rocket it to success.
When should indie authors offer a preorder on Amazon, and when is it a bad idea? An indie author answers and shares how to set up a preorder.
How to use the relaunch strategy to revive sales on your old novels.