How to Write Better Short Stories With Steve Diamond
Discover all the benefits of writing short stories and find out how to write a great one that will impact readers and prompt them to buy your books.
Discover all the benefits of writing short stories and find out how to write a great one that will impact readers and prompt them to buy your books.
Hosting a webinar can help you get to know your “Timothy” and grow your email list. Discover 12 tips for hosting a successful author webinar.
Discover the three elements that make readers open your emails, which element is least important, and how to write good emails readers want.
Learn the seven critical steps to successfully self-publishing your book, and find out how to excel at each step of the process.
Find out what to write in your first emails to new subscribers so they’re thrilled to read your emails and reluctant to unsubscribe.
Grow your email list, get to know your audience, and boost your income potential by learning how to host an author webinar.
BookFunnel offers amazing and useful tools for authors looking to give their readers the fastest, easiest and most enjoyable e-reading experience.
Obscure No More is your one-stop shop for learning to build a platform and market your book. Find out how to access these 12 critical lessons.
Learn six ways authors can use book QR codes to connect with readers and promote their books online and offline.
Learn how to create a reader magnet (or lead magnet), what to do with it, and how to deliver it to grow your email list.
Learn how you can grow your author email list with the help of StoryOrigin’s author community and list-building tools.
Writing to a small niche has its advantages. In this coaching session, an author asks how to market to a very small segment of readers.
Learn which Facebook ads work best for connecting with interested readers, growing your author email list, and ultimately selling books.
Learn how three principles of reciprocity will help you show kindness to your readers and sell more books.