Why Author Email Addresses Make a Difference
Do you know what makes me cringe?
Getting an email from a professional that isn’t professional. It doesn’t take much to get a professional email address.
Do you know what makes me cringe?
Getting an email from a professional that isn’t professional. It doesn’t take much to get a professional email address.
Today, we’re critiquing a reader website. She’s a writer, editor, and entrepreneur. Here’s what you can learn from her website.
Don’t feel overwhelmed by the idea of buying an author domain name. We’ve made it simple.
Do you want to write? You need a writing schedule. We’ll help you create one in this post.
Discover which six magic words will get clicks for your blog. Just don’t use them all at the same time. That would be messy.
Want to save some money by taking your own pictures? Whip them into website-worthy shape with one of these 4 free photo editing tools.
Meet the forgotten element of SEO: alt text. You can’t afford to ignore it any longer.
Do you know what your author website needs? Now you do.
Do you use Twitter? You need to know the hotkeys that will make the site even easier for you to use.
They say that zen is a state of mind. Thanks to Wordpress, zen is also a form your screen takes. We’re here to show you how it works.
Tired of trying to figure out how to edit things on Wordpress? Get ready to print off this cheat sheet of hotkeys.
Retweets are like strangers. They can be welcomed or super annoying. Here’s how to turn off retweets on Twitter.
Are you paralyzed by not knowing when the best time to send your tweet is? We have three tools that will help you tweet away happily.
Do you struggle with finding the right photo for you website? We’re going to take the guess work out of the process. Keep reading.
Work? Who wants to do that when the glittering world of social media stands ready and waiting? Quit wasting time and WRITE.