Affiliate Marketing for Authors
Find out how authors who take advantage of affiliate marketing opportunities can earn income even before their books are published.
Find out how authors who take advantage of affiliate marketing opportunities can earn income even before their books are published.
A step-by-step guide for setting up your Amazon Associate account so you can earn money through affiliate links on your author website.
Learn how to find and work with a narrator to produce your audiobook.
Learn how to solve your cash flow problem with these tips for crowdfunding your book before it’s published.
Few authors make a living on book sales alone. Learn how Joanna Penn generates income from over 120 writing-related sources.
Tips and advice for securing your first speaking engagement, nailing your presentation, selling books, and getting invited back.
Having an author business plan can save you time and money. Learn the most common business mistakes authors make and how you can avoid them.
Is your book launch budget filled with expenses or investments? Learn how and where to spend your time and money to get the greatest return.
Find out who should register the copyright for a book, why it may be important, and when is the best time to do it.
Learn when and why you should form an LLC for your author business. Discover who can help you get it done and how much it will cost.
Expert advice for the 10 critical decisions of indie publishing.
Marketing literary fiction is different than marketing genre fiction. Standard marketing practices don’t always work. In this article you’ll learn what does.
Learn how to make more time for writing by hiring an assistant. It may cost less than you think, and it will free you up to focus on your writing.
Podcast advertising is one of the most effective advertising venues for authors with audiobooks. Heather Osgood offers seven steps to great podcast advertising.
Learn three strategies that will protect your writing career from cancel culture.