We’ve spent quite a bit of time at Author Media talking about crowdfunding— what it is, how awesome it is, and how to make it happen.

A few months ago, we turned that talk into action, and put our own “Crowdfunding Is Awesome” theory to the test in just about the most meta way possible:  We launched the Ultimate Crowdfunding Course for Authors crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo.

Yes, that’s right– a crowdfunding campaign for a course on how to crowdfund!

They said it couldn’t be done. “Kickstarter is a graveyard of crowdfunding courses that failed to fund.” Well, we did it. Thanks to you, our project not only funded, but reached 125% of its goal.

The result is that we now have a neatly-packaged power tool to offer:  The Ultimate Crowdfunding Course for Authors.  It’s the brainchild of two experienced crowdfunders, author Mary DeMuth and our own Thomas Umstattd Jr., and will help serve as a springboard for authors considering a crowdfunding campaign.

You can learn more about the course by clicking here.


Ultimate Crowdfunding Course for Authors

Learn more about The Ultimate Crowdfunding Course for Authors here!

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