Trying to break into the Christian writing world? Fantastic.
You have your work cut out for you.
Study up on the publishing industry. Start thinking of your book as your business. In order to be successful, you need to know what readers want and know what the market is calling for.
Start following the top literary agents on Twitter (you should also consider following these Christian Literary Agents). Go to writers conferences and introduce yourself. Start a friendship. Tweet them. Read their blogs.
That’s right.
Read their blog. If you want to find out what’s going on in the world of Christian publishing, you should know what the agents are talking about.
These blogs will help you get an idea of what is going on in the CBA world, what you need to know before you pitch, and how to navigate the overwhelming world of publishing. Start commenting to start building relationships and getting involved in the conversation. It’s a great way to grow in your understanding of the industry.
- Books&Such Literary Agency
- Chip MacGregor
- D.C. Jacobson & Associates
- Hartline Literary AgencyÂ
- Rachelle Gardner
- Steve Laube
Agents have specific submission guidelines. If you want a chance at getting signed, you must follow them.
Do not use the blogs as a way to sell yourself or market your books. Don’t pitch agents over social media, blogs, or by stalking them like prey at conferences. Don’t be that writer.
Your book is your business. Start doing the homework that will make you successful.
- Literary agents have rules. You must follow them to get signed. – Click to tweet.
- Your book is your business. Start doing the homework that will make you successful. – Click to tweet.Â
- 6 Christian Literary Agent Blogs to Follow. – Click to tweet.
- Wow, I’m going to start reading these blogs for authors. – Click to tweet.
- Time to level up on my publishing industry knowledge! – Click to tweet.
Have we missed any Christian publishing agencies with blogs? Let us know!
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Helpful post! Thanks.
Awesome post! Very Informative. Thank you, and GOD bless you and your career.
Dear Ms.Muir,
I would think that if a Christian is called to write one book because the good Lord called him to right such a book, then God is less concerned with what the literary agents think and more concerned with the timely message He wishes to convey. Matthew was a tax collector; Luke was a physician and John a fisherman. Yet they wrote what God wanted to be written and their writings are still published today. If God has a message, it will get sent without having to follow literary agents around the U.S in an effort to impress them. Not all of us care if we are published or not. We just care about doing what God has called us to do. With the greatest of humility I write this. I just felt a little perspective may help.
You nailed it. That has been my problem, though I refuse to change my book for a few.
I agree! If it is all about me…then I will look for the advice of others. If I am doing what God wants me to do (which I pray I am), then I only want to know what God thinks of the book 🙂
Nice to see others think of God’s opinion more than man’s too.
God bless you. I am a new writer and looking to get published. God gave me a vision and told me I was to preach to people at the age of thirteen. I just started writing what I heard god laid on my heart. I hope one day somebody will see my work for what it is. Gods word used to call back his children back on the right path he meant for us to walk on.
I was suprised you would need all of that to publish a book.Im sure you will need to do some research but I figure since God called me to write a book and with several different prophets confirming it and I m in obeying Him then a way has already been provided. In that im so thankful..
I really appreciate your practical help regarding the best industry-related blogs for Christian authors to follow. Thank you!
Caitlin, As a multi published author, I can say with confidence–unfortunate though it may be–that the way traditional publishing is now structured the help of an agent is necessary.
I can personally attest that at least five of the six sites you mention have a great deal of beneficial information for writers who are serious about publishing. And I’ll be checking out the other one soon.
Thanks so much for sharing this information.