I should probably confess this right now.

I’m smitten with Pinterest.

I avoided it for a few months but then I feel prey to the pinning site. If Twitter is public text messaging, think of Pinterest as a public personal pinboard.

After joining the site, I believe that every author should be on Pinterest. I’m not alone. Gini Dietrich wrote a compelling piece on three ways you can use Pinterest for business. Gini is a marketing genius who is highly respected in her field. Bloggers from every sphere are writing about the new opportunities Pinterest is providing.

Here’s why you as an author should be on Pinterest:

1. Inspiration

Book Inspiration

Are you working on a novel? Are you populating a world? Get inspired.

Find the house that your main character lives in and put it on a  board. That’s what I do on my Book|Places board. There are something about the pictures on the board that speak to me.  I know that a scene from one of my stories will fit into those pictures.

How do you populate your worlds? Where do you get your inspiration?

2. Directing Traffic

Traffic Directing Pinterest Board

My friend Ashley writes Domestic Imperfection, a DIY blog. She regularly shares photos from her blog to Pinterest.  Her design photos get repinned hundreds of time. Every time that happens, her blog is introduced to a new set of people. By using Google Analytics, Ashley has been able to track where her viewers come from. A large chunk of her viewers come from Pinterest. So she keeps using the site. It’s a great strategy that is paying off.

How can you use Pinterest to direct traffic to your site?

Tweetables –

  • Oh @Pinterest, how I love you…and now my readers will too. – Click to Tweet
  • You’ll see me on @Pinterest more often. Don’t worry, it’s writing related. I promise. – Click to Tweet


3. Sharing Character Details

Horse Lover Pinterest Board

Nicole is an author who writes historical novels that feature horses. By having a board dedicated to the horses that populate her books, she’s giving readers the opportunity to connect with her stories in a deeper way. She also wrote a great blog post on why authors should use Pinterest.

What if you created a board for your main character? What makes them unique? Put it on a board and share it with your readers.

There’s a Board For Everyone

Populate the world you are creating. Collect character pieces from all over the internet and share them in one place. Post your board to Facebook. Let your readers visualize your world and encourage them to get creative and build their own fan boards. Then encourage them to share those boards on your fan page.

What kind of boards do you create? Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Author Media can help you create a social media strategy that will help you maximize your impact while minimizing your time. Ask us how. 


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