What books are on your Christmas wish list?

As the gift-giving season rapidly approaches, it’s important to be prepared. If you want presents that is. Like a ninja, you need to be ready to whip out your very own wish list at any given notice.

We’ve made you a list.

We’ve made it easy for you this year, compiling ten of our favorite books for writers. Working at a company that specializes in building author websites, we get to hear from authors about the books that are inspiring them. The books that they pick up when they need a kick in the pants and motivation to start writing again. Many of those books are in this list.

These books are in no particular order and do contain affiliate links.

Are you ready?

10 Books for Writers You Need This Christmas

1. Steven Pressfield – War of Art

2. Jeff Goins – You are a Writer

3. Stephen King – On Writing

4. Robert McKee – Story

5. Anne Lamott – Bird By Bird

6. William Zinsser- On Writing Well

7. William Strunk – The Elements of Style

8. Roget’s International Thesaurus

9. Ray Bradbury – The Zen of Writing

10. Michael Hyatt – Platform

Love the list? Feel free to share it on Facebook, print it off and leave it by your spouse’s pillow, or simply steal some ideas for your own master list.

You may also want to look at our gift board on Pinterest. And don’t forget, a new professional author website makes a great gift!


  • Not to be rude but I’d love any of these books for Christmas. – Click to Tweet
  • Hmm…now to get this list in Santa’s hands. – Click to Tweet
  • 10 Books on writing that are on MY Christmas list. – Click to Tweet
  • I accept print and e-book. Just sayin’. – Click to Tweet
  • You can get me a new author website for Christmas or one of these books. – Click to Tweet

Are we missing a book or two? Leave a suggestion in our comments. We want to hear from you!


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