A few years ago, we realized that trying to sell your book through your website can be a pain.  That’s why we created MyBookTable.  It’s a WordPress plugin designed to help authors sell more books and make affiliate money through sites like Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Now, MyBookTable is the #1 bookstore plugin for WordPress.  It recently passed 10,000 downloads– a huge milestone.

Folks all over the Internet are singing the praises of MyBookTable.  Here are just a few samples of the accolades it’s received from satisfied users.


What People are Saying About MyBookTable

“I hit the jackpot with the MyBookTable plugin.” Diane Krause
Read The Full Review

“This is an amazing WordPress plugin.” Christine Buffaloe
Read The Full Review

“This is the only solution you need to sell books on your website.” Joe Warnimont
Read The Full Review

“After using [MyBookTable] for a few months it blew me away. There are little gems scattered throughout the plugin the more you play with it.” Kevin Muldoon

Read the Full Review

“I’d like to recommend the fabulous new plugin, MyBookTable…Going forward MyBookTable is going to make my life so much easier.” Robin Lee Hatcher

Read the Full Review


Community MyBookTable Videos

This video is part of a full course on how to build an author website.

MyBookTable Celebration Discount

To celebrate MyBookTable’s passing the 10,000 downloads mark, we are offering a 50% discount on both the Professional and Developer add-ons to MyBookTable. These add-ons add our Universal Buy Button and also allow you to use your own Amazon affiliate account.

Just use the promo code mbt10k at checkout (expires 11/21/14).

Get MyBookTable Professional

Get MyBookTable Developer 

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