Can I recommend Author Media for creating your website?

Hands down—YES! I give them super kudos!

There are some things you should know about the website building process. Things I learned along the way.

A writer’s job today does not end with the writing.

Authors have to promote themselves and their work if they hope to sell their books. A powerful online presence is essential. Websites and blogs must be remarkable, productive, and not about the blogger, but what you can give the reader.

I learned these secrets from Author Media president, Thomas Umstattd Jr, first through his speaking, then from the website and blogs. The expert, accommodating, and talented staff made exceptional partners in developing my site and blog.

I’m not a geek.

Nan Rinella Header by Author Media

I’m getting more tech-friendly lately but hadn’t a clue about all those tricky, techy details. My account manager very patiently walked me through the basics and preparations.

My designer worked with me and developed the header and format that brought to life what I had imagined. Creating a website was like birthing a baby. I worked hard, but my “baby” is special due to my wonderful midwives.

I needed help.

I had no idea how much work I had to do in the development phase, but they walked me through slowly until I understood and produced the material.

Once my site was up and running I attended Thomas’s online Blogging Boot Camp. You’ve gotta grab the reader’s attention from the git-go, entertain and inform—make it appetizing and easily digestible.


  • Find out what Nan Rinella had to say about her experience with Author Media. – Click to tweet.
  • Nan loved her website so much that she’s buying a new one! – Click to tweet.
  • I love that Nan isn’t a geek and yet she loves her website. – Click to tweet.
  • A writer needs a powerful online presence to sell books. – Click to tweet.
  • Writing books isn’t enough. Authors need great websites.  – Click to tweet. 


I got what I paid for.

Nan Rinella Website by Author Media

The fees are not inexpensive, but I have always believed that you get what you pay for. Readers will detect a run-of-the-mill product, and be outta there in a click.

I wanted a site that would reflect my personality. Mine does, and I am thrilled with the results—visit and see.

I have known Thomas since I met him at a writers conference in 2009. He’s spoken at the C.S. Lewis Foundation Writers Workshop in Houston for four years. Many of our presenters have engaged his services. I’ve heard him speak at other conferences, including Panhandle Professional Writers. Of course, he does the big ones too. I can’t imagine anyone more innovative, informed, and yes, remarkable.

I’m buying another site.

I am launching a 2nd site and blog soon, and again look forward to working with the Author Media crew.

Interested in getting your own professional author website? Talk to Author Media.

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