Pinning just got easier.

We’ve talked a lot about Pinterest on Author Media. We’ve talked about why authors should pin, how to supercharge your pinning, and we even hosted The Busy Author’s Guide to Popularity and Profit on Pinterest.

Today, we’re offering a new tool.

I came across this Pinterest infographic that was too good not to share with the author community.


  • The Pinterest Cheat Sheet to Image Sizes. Click to Tweet
  • YES!!! This just made my day // The Pinterest Cheat Sheet to Image Sizes. Click to Tweet
  • This is going to come in handy. // The Pinterest Cheat Sheet to Image Sizes. Click to Tweet
The Pinterest Cheat Sheet to Image Sizes

To recap, Pinterest image sizes:

  • Profile images: 165 x 165 pixels.
  • Pins in feed: 238 pixels x adjusted to height.
  • Expanded pin size: 735 pixels x adjusted to height.
  • Pin boards complete size: 238 x 284 pixels.
  • Cover image: 217 x 146 pixels.
  • Tiny thumbnails: 51 x 51 pixels.

As you create pins, it’s important to be strategic.

Inspirational quote pins drive tons of traffic for authors but they aren’t the most effective pins floating around on the boards.

You may not know this, but the most clicked on image size are the long, skinny pins. They are most often DIY instructions. Think of the mason jar tutorials or the long pins that show 20 or so different household tips on Pinterest.  People pin them all the time.

They drive traffic because they require you to click on them to see the full size (so you can actually read the instructions).

As you create pins for your site, think about how you can diversify your pins. Find out which ones drive the most traffic. If you can adapt your pins, try out the longer, skinnier type. When you do pin things, make sure that you remember to link back to your website. 

It’s your turn:

  • How often do you pin?
  • What’s your pinning strategy?
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